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重庆私人借钱,重庆私人贷款16.创业贷款(Business startup guaranteed loan)

2024-04-18 作者: 小编
16.创业贷款(Business startup guaranteed loan) 具体内容:1. 本人创业贷款项目资金贴息贷款,最高贷款额度为20万,最长贷款期限不超过3年,银行可以一次性给予信用额度。项目资金贴息贷款的风险贷款年利率可以从贷款合同签订之日起的市场报价利率(LPR)在此前提下,实际标准为万州区、开州区、黔江区、彭水县、武隆区、丰都县、城口县、云阳县、奉节县、巫山县、巫溪县、石柱土家族自治县、酉阳土家族苗族自治县、秀山土家族苗族自治县。其他区县加一点不得超过150BP。实际银行贷款利率由经办银行根据贷款人的经营状况、信用状况等与贷款人协商; 2. 财政支持创业贷款,在国家规定的贷款金额、利率贴息贷款时间内,按实际贷款金额、利率计算利息期限计算。对于2020年12月31日以后新发放的符合条件的本人创业贷款利息,LPR-以下150BP部分由贷款人承担,其余部分由财政局贴息。对于2020年12月31日以后新发放的符合条件的本人创业贷款利息,LPR-以下150BP部分由贷款人承担,其余部分由财政局贴息重庆黄金抵押。正常情况下,贷款延期、逾期创业贷款不贴息。 适用条件:1. 贷款人以个人名义申请创业贷款时,必须同时具备以下四种情况:(1)失业人员、城乡最低生活保障人员、城市零就业家庭成员、残疾人、转业复员退伍军人、刑满释放人员、大学毕业生、,解决产能过剩企业员工和失业人员、扶贫人口,或为互联网企业和农村创业农民。(2)共同申请人在申请贷款时已具体自主创业,已申请工商企业注册或被认定为互联网创业人员。(3)好的创业项目必须位于重庆。贷款人除大学毕业生外,还应具有重庆户口。(4)除国家助学贷款、扶贫贴息贷款、购房贷款、购车贷款、5万以下小额消费贷款(含信用卡刷卡)外,本人及其配偶在提交创业贷款申报时无其他未偿贷款; 2. 共同申请人创立的个体经营者不应被国家取代 类、限制类产业范围,具体项目参照《产业结构调整》 指导目录(2019年)(中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会令第29号); 3. 申请材料:(1)填写《重庆市创业贷款申请表》(本人);(2)个人身份证(首次申请);(三)转业复员的退伍军人必须持有自己的退伍证明,刑满释放的人必须持有自己的释放证明,大学毕业生必须持有毕业证; (4)合作经营创业贷款申请办理的,除填写《重庆创业贷款申请表》(合作经营)外,还必须提供股东情况、股东数量、入股方式、股份分配和利润份额 股东协议等内容。 依  据:1.重庆市财政局关于做好工作〈重庆普惠金融发展专项资金管理办法〉工作通知(渝财规)〔2020〕10号); 2.《关于加大创业担保贷款支持力度的通知》(渝人社)〔2021〕236 号)。 申请办理方式: 1. 网上:我可以通过“重庆人社”申请创业贷款。APP、申请重庆“智能就业”微信小程序、重庆市人力资源和社会保障局官网等互联网渠道; 2. 线下推广:我申请创业贷款的现场处理地址包括贷款申请人创业所在地、户口所在地城镇(街道社区)公共就业创业服务组织(以下简称“专业机构”)或经办人银行网点。 咨询方式:023-12333。 Business startup guaranteed loan Main content: 1. Individual entrepreneurial guaranteed loans subsidized by special funds, with a maximum amount of RMB200,000 and a maximum period of three years, to be issued by bank in lump sum. The startup guaranteed loan interest rate with specially-funded interest discount may be increased or decreased on the basis of the loan prime rate (LPR) at the loan market on the date when the loan contract is signed. The standard varies in different areas, with the interest increase or decrease range not exceeding 250 BP in Wanzhou district, Kaizhou district, Qianjiang district, Pengshui county, Wulong district, Chengkou county, Yunyang county, Fengjie county, Wushan county, Wuxi county, Shizhu Tujia minority autonomous county, Youyang Tujia and Miao minorities autonomous county, and Xiushan Tujia and Miao minorities autonomous county, and not more than 150 BP in all other districts and counties of Chongqing. The lending rate is a matter for negotiation between the borrower and the handling bank according to the borrower's operation state and credit standing; 2. The financial subsidy for startup guaranteed loans is calculated on the basis of the actual loan amount, interest rate and interest-bearing time limit within the loan amount, interest rate and interest discount period stipulated by relevant national standards. For the interest on startup guaranteed loans issued for eligible individuals after December 31, 2020, the portion below LPR-150BP shall be borne by the borrowers, and the remaining portion will be given a financial discount. In principle, there is no subsidy on interest payment for rolled-over or overdue startup guaranteed loans. Scope of application: 1. Borrowers applying for guaranteed loans to start up businesses in their own names must meet the following four conditions at the same time: (1) registered as urban unemployed personnel, urban and rural low-income groups, urban zero-employment family members, people with disabilities, demobilized soliders and veterans, prisoners released, college and university graduates, employees laid off due to overcapacity, and people who have got rid of poverty, online sellers, or rural self-employed farmers before starting a business. (2) The loan applicant has actually founded a business at the time of applying for a loan, i.e., has handled the procedures for business registration or is recognized as e-commerce startups. (3) The startup project must be located in Chongqing. Except for college and university graduates, the borrower shall have a registered permanent residence in Chongqing. (4) No bad credit records. Except for student loans, poverty alleviation loans, housing loans, auto loans, and less than RMB50,000 petty consumer loans (including credit card spending), the borrower and his/her spouse shall not have any other outstanding loans at the time of submitting the application for startup guaranteed loans; 2. The individual businesses founded by loan applicants shall not fall into the category of national elimination and restriction industries. For program details, refer to the Guidance Catalog for Industrial Structure Adjustment (2019 edition) (No. 29 Decree of the National Development and Reform Commission); 3. Application materials: (1) Fill out the Chongqing Startup Guaranteed Loan Application Form (for enterprises); (2) the applicant's ID card (to be presented for first application); (3) a discharge permit (armed services discharge papers) required if the applicantis a demobilized soldier or veteran; a release certificate required if the applicant is a former prisoner; a graduation certificate if the applicant is a college or university graduate;(4) In case of application for guaranteed loans for joint entrepreneurship, in addition to filling out the Chongqing Startup Guaranteed Loan Application Form (partnership), it is also necessary to provide a partnership agreement containing information on the shareholders, number of shareholders, way of shareholding, equity distribution, profit sharing, etc. Legal basis: 1. Notice of Chongqing Municipal Finance Bureau on Issuing Management Measures of Chongqing Municipality for Inclusive Financial Development Special Funds (YCG[2020] No.10); 2. Notice on Increasing Support for Startup Guaranteed Loans (YRS(2021) No.236). Source of application: 1. Online: Applications for individual entrepreneurship guaranteed loans via the "Chongqing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau" APP, Chongqing "Intelligent Employment" WeChat applet, and the official website of Chongqing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, among other channels; 2. Offline: The application for individual entrepreneurship guaranteed loan is processed on-site at the location of business startup, the township (sub-district) public employment and entrepreneurship service agency at the applicant's registered permanent residence (hereinafter referred to as "service agency"), or the branch office (outlet) of the handling bank. Service hotline: 023-12333.




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